This spring semester 2022, IVECA hosted the World Presentation Contest for high school students from Argentina, China, and Korea. During the contest, students were able to evaluate each others' presentations and give feedback to participating groups. Students presented on Stories of Migration in their own countries and around the world. This new learning opportunity allowed students to research migration in their communities and find the best solution for recurrent challenges migrants face. The presenters’ goal was to inspire the audience to think or behave differently by engaging them in the life journey of migrants. Overall, the unique occasion enabled students to recognize and share the empathy each group felt for migrants.

An excellent display of inspiring the audience was creating a narrative of a migrant moving to Argentina. Students detailed the point of view of someone forced to move away from their home country, “For Julian, it was not the same. It was not the same when his friends were in Spain. It was not the same when the laughter, the unique and unforgettable moments, were and would be forever in Spain. And, unfortunately, he could not take them with him in his suitcase.” Although the boy was disappointed to leave his friends, the story continues. Years later in Argentina, that same boy sits with his family in the home he had built. Although migration can cause stress, there may be triumphs in the end. The picture Argentinian students created guided the audience to sympathize for each person and connect with them on a personal level.

Each presentation group detailed different reasons people are forced to migrate. Korean students explained world events such as the civil war and industrialization that forced citizens to move away from their homes. Chinese students were able to hold interviews with friends and family that have moved away from their home country. The main reason included education and finding opportunities to study abroad. The first hand account was inspiring as the audience became more understanding of their travels and the reason people move away. The effort from students allowed audience members to step into the shoes of emigrants and have a full understanding of their challenges and achievements.

The great effort from each group presentation did not go unnoticed. Their choice of words and visuals to inspire their audience members was memorable. The presenter's strategy of connecting with the audience members to convey their message created a successful World Presentation Contest.
#IVECA #interculturalcompetence #21stCenturyEducation #WorldContest #GlobalCitizenshipEducation #virtualschooling #empathy