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Building Global Leadership Skills in the Age of AI: Key Takeaways from IVECA’s Forum

The 2024 IVECA Global Youth Leadership Forum, held virtually on September 5-6, 2024, brought together middle and high school students from South Korea, China, Tunisia and India to engage in meaningful discussions about global leadership in the age of AI and digital technology. This two-day event provided a unique platform for young minds to explore the intersections of technology, sustainability, and global citizenship.

The first day of the forum, geared toward middle school students, featured thought-provoking presentations from leading experts in the field of AI and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Dr. Shahbaz Khan, Director and Representative to the UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia, opened the session with a powerful presentation on “Harnessing Open Science and Ethical AI for Sustainable Development.” Dr. Khan highlighted the importance of transparent, inclusive scientific practices that ensure knowledge is accessible and beneficial to all, particularly in addressing global challenges such as disaster risk reduction and environmental sustainability. He also addressed the ethical implications of AI, emphasizing UNESCO's commitment to guiding the responsible use of AI through its Recommendation on the Ethics of AI. Dr. Khan concluded his lecture by explaining that AI is integrated into even the smallest aspects of our lives, noting, "Using our mobile phones means we are already using AI; if you are using the electricity system, you are also using AI. We need to promote the ethical use of AI, as UNESCO is doing."

Following Dr. Khan’s presentation, Ms. Arianna Valentini, Senior Policy Analyst for Research and Foresight at UNESCO Headquarters Paris, delved into “Real-World Examples of AI Solutions Addressing Global Challenges.” She showcased innovative AI applications in education that are helping to overcome barriers for students with disabilities and those at risk of dropping out. Ms. Valentini also highlighted AI’s role in tackling global health issues and providing clean water in refugee camps, demonstrating the potential of AI to create positive change when used thoughtfully and inclusively.

High school students attended the second day of lectures which featured a deeper exploration of global leadership in the digital age. Mr. Felipe Queipo, Communications Officer at the United Nations Department of Global Communications, set the tone with his presentation on “Artificial Intelligence and the United Nations.” His lecture introduced high school students to the intersection of AI and global governance, focusing on how AI supports and challenges the objectives of the United Nations. He connected these technologies to the UN’s mission of promoting peace, human rights, and sustainable development, highlighting AI’s role in addressing global challenges like poverty, education, and climate change. He stressed the importance of global multistakeholder cooperation and ethical governance, stating, "The potential of AI is tremendous, but it relies heavily on all of us to shape a positive future for these systems and machines. We must cooperate internationally and establish ethical and moral standards to address the challenges we face and further explore AI's role in global governance." By putting the role of youth at the center, Mr. Queipo’s presentation also addressed the ethical implications of AI, including issues of bias, privacy, and the need for equitable access.


Dr. Ekkehard Ernst, Chief Macroeconomist at the International Labour Organization, followed with an insightful presentation on “Global Leadership Skills in an AI-driven Digital Society.” Dr. Ernst explored the future of work in the context of AI, stressing the need for resilience, connectivity, and sustainability. He encouraged students to develop the skills necessary to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, including the ability to adapt to change, prioritize meaningful connections, and advocate for sustainable practices. Dr. Ernst pointed out, "Connectivity can be stressful as you need to prioritize and identify what is worth your time and what is not. Allow yourself to explore new areas that might be interesting and that you haven’t experienced before." His message highlighted the importance of being selective in a hyper-connected AI-driven world where information is abundant.


Throughout both sessions, students participated in interactive group discussions and Q&A sessions, allowing them to engage directly with the experts and with one another. These activities fostered a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of global issues and the critical role that young leaders will play in shaping a sustainable and equitable future.

The 2024 IVECA Global Youth Leadership Forum developed holistic global leadership, enhanced intercultural competence, and cultivated responsible global citizens. By providing a platform for young people to learn from experts and exchange ideas with peers from diverse cultural backgrounds, the forum contributed to the participants’ growth as future leaders equipped to address the complex challenges of our time.

As the forum concluded, it was clear that the students left with not only a greater understanding of AI’s potential but also a renewed commitment to using their skills and knowledge to contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The event underscored the importance of continued education and collaboration in building a better world, and the students' enthusiasm and insights promise a bright future for global leadership. As one student put it, “participating in this program has deepened my appreciation for the role of technology in solving global issues and sparked a stronger interest in innovation. I’ve realized the importance of contributing to meaningful global initiatives and feel a stronger connection to international efforts.”



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