Colegio Americano del Sur from Guatemala and Noeun High School from Korea met virtually on June 14th in order to address current issues and suggest solutions to ensure a better future for all. The students examined together how unequal income distribution, high tuition costs and crime networks among others are detrimental to the political, educational and economic systems of their countries. The teenagers enthusiastically exchanged their views through a critical analysis and intercultural lens on these serious topics.
It is worth pointing out the commitment of the lead teachers of these two schools (Mr. Jim Dolan and Ms. Hejin Kim) and the wonderful support provided by the administrators and technology teachers of each school. The genuine desire to provide quality global education for their students demonstrated the exemplary teamwork of both schools throughout this three-month partnership. Reflecting the cooperation, respect and mindfulness between two schools, students’ live exchange celebrated an outstanding success. IVECA would like to extend a warm round of applause to the cast of this panel and its stagehands as well!